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Spelling Words

Lesson 1

accent, acid, adapt, aspect, athlete, atlas, banana, banner, batch, California, camera, Canada, cavern, cavity, gram, latch, mass, Montana, panic, planet


Lesson 2

attend, credit, delta, denim, healthy, heifer, lever, Maryland, method, New Mexico, respect, selfish, shelter, strength, tennis, tense, Texas, umbrella, weapon, weather


Lesson 3

admit, assist, cliffs, discuss, disk, England, glisten, glitter, history, hymn, income, index, infant, insist, kidnap, limit, lizard, Michigan, Mississippi, Virginia


Lesson 4

alcohol, astronaut, audience, Australia, automatic, automobile, awkward, clause, coffee, crawl, exhaust, launch, laundry, lawyers, on-line, precaution, somersault, strawberry, Vermont, Washington


Lesson 5

adult, album, circuit, construct, crumb, District of Columbia, freedom, gruffly, hungry, minutes, museum, numb, opossum, pulse, shrug, suffix, summary, tundra, umpire, wisdom


Lesson 6

A review of lessons 1-5


Lesson 7

Asia, chase, contain, crater, debate, decade, decay, detail, escape, estate, flavor, labor, Maine, mesa, Pennsylvania, prey, ratio, stray, veil, vein


Lesson 8

appeal, brief, creep, deceit, eager, Hawaii, idea, liter, Louisiana, meter, piece, Puerto Rico, relief, reveal, shield, shriek, skiing, Tennessee, vetoes, wield


Lesson 9

admire, alibi, arrive, byte, diary, diet, geyser, guide, guys, height, Idaho, Iowa, isle, liar, minor, Ohio, recital, riot, silence, wife


Lesson 10

banjo, boldly, buffalo, cargo, control, dome, donate, enroll, flamingo, macro, Minnesota, Oklahoma, patrol, portfolio, soldier, sole, stereo, studio, voltage, Wyoming


Lesson 11

Accuse, canoe, confuse, crew, cue, dune, flu, foolish, funeral, future, igloo, include, Massachusetts, raccoon, tomb, truly, tulip, useless, Utah, view


Lesson 12

A review of lessons 7-11


Lesson 13

Alabama, Colorado, combat, gallon, gallop, gather, Indiana, inhabit, mammal, Nevada, New Hampshire, perhaps, random, rascal, savanna, scallop, soprano, static, valley, valve


Lesson 14

adopt, atomic, borrow, bottom, college, colonies, comment, commerce, compost, concentrate, contact, continent, conversation, crocodile, demolish, deposit, doctor, geometry, glossary, Wisconsin


Lesson 15

Antarctica, argument, Arkansas, artery, artichoke, bargain, cardiac, cartilage, carton, chart, compartment, dart, department, harbor, hardship, harmony, hearty, partner, radar, snarl


Lesson 16

Aerobics, area, Arizona, aware, barracks, barren, barrier, caramel, compare, Delaware, embarrassed, librarian, marriage, narrate, narrow, Ontario, parakeet, parallel, prepare, software


Lesson 17

Aisle, aspire, biceps, climate, combine, compile, coyote, crime, crisis, decline, device, dining, entice, eyeing, fiery, haiku, iceberg, imply, migrant, pride


Lesson 18

A review of lessons 13-17


Lesson 19

Africa, autograph, difference, difficult, dolphin, effort, fiber, forecast, forth, fossil, funds, hyphen, nephew, paragraph, photos, phrase, sheriff, siphon, sphere, trophy


Lesson 20

average, badge, cringe, dungeon, gadget, heritage, hinges, jacket, jaguar, jogging, junior, jury, justice, legend, manage, merge, pledge, plunge, refuge, rigid


Lesson 21

Alaska, backup, banquet, chaos, chorus, earthquake, echoes, equal, equator, inquire, Kentucky, liquid, Nebraska, o’clock, preschool, quality, Quebec, quicksand, squall, squid


Lesson 22

Amazon, blaze, blizzard, bruise, citizen, closet, design, desire, despise, enclose, freezing, graze, horizon, Kansas, laser, Missouri, plaza, raise, stanza, surprise


Lesson 23

afternoon, basketball, broadcast, brother-in-law, candlestick, driveway, evergreen, foolproof, footnote, grasshopper, grassland, greenhouse, greyhound, livestock, newborn, Newfoundland, old- fashioned, password, peppermint, runway


Lesson 24

A review of lessons 19-23


Lesson 25

angle, bundle, burial, central, crumple, crystal, decimal, double, dribble, entitle, example, fragile, humble, mingle, miracle, missile, multiple, mumble, particle, riddle


Lesson 26

adverb, anchor, burden, chapter, charter, clerk, clever, courage, deliver, desert, deserve, energy, error, journey, major, molar, New Jersey, solar, version, West Virginia


Lesson 27

aimless, cirrus, citrus, closeness, congress, cumulus, fungus, interest, mollusk, nucleus, obvious, octopus, radius, reckless, restless, service, stillness, virus, walrus, witness


Lesson 28

Border, cornea, cornerstone, corridor, dinosaur, dormitory, Florida, forehead, foreign, format, formula, Georgia, horror, New York, normal, North Carolina, North Dakota, orbit, ordeal, Oregon


Lesson 29

Account, announcer, boundary, browse, clout, compound, counterfeit, coward, crouch, drought, foul, mountains, pronounce, scoundrel, scowl, snout, South Carolina, South Dakota, whereabouts, willpower


Lesson 30

A review of lessons 25-29


Lesson 31

Connecticut, doorknob, flight, highland, Illinois, khaki, knack, kneel, knitting, knives, knock, knuckle, nighttime, plight, Rhode Island, rhyme, sigh, slight, wharves, wreck






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